Designing Learning Experiences

Here at Leaven Academy, we are not just another training company. We pride ourselves as designers of transformational learning experiences. Working closely with our stakeholders, we ensure that each one of our programmes is carefully curated and customised for an exceptional learning experience.  

Going Beyond.

L.I.F.E. Design Principles

At Leaven Academy, we have no tolerance for stale cookie-cutter or one-size-fits-all programmes. Instead, we possess a constantly evolving curriculum, comprising a multitude of training methodologies, in-house developed activities and proven models of learning in order to stay relevant and effective.  

Read more about our L.I.F.E. design principles that guide every programme we curate and deliver:

  • Learner-centric

    We start by asking who are our learners? How old are they? What is their reality? What is their learning capacity? The results of asking those questions are:

    o Relevant programmes that are customised to the learner’s needs

    o Appropriate scaffolding to ensure that the learner is able to understand the teachings and is ready to apply their knowledge.

  • Innovation

    Is there a better way to do it? How can we bridge the gap? We constantly seek new and updated ways to ensure the most relevant learning experiences:

    o Innovative activities and games are designed and curated in-house to bring out specific learning outcomes and experiences.

    o Constant programme review and updates before EVERY programme delivery.

  • Forethought

    What are the learning objectives? How do we best bring it across to our learners? We put careful thought and consideration into each and every programme:

    o Incorporation of a multitude of appropriate training methodologies.  

    o Applied teaching to increase the participant’s understanding and ability to translate knowledge to real-world application.

  • Experiential Learning

    What kind of experiences can help to bring out learning opportunities? We help learners make their own discoveries in our design approach:

    o Emphasis on learning through experience using Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle.

    o Carefully crafted activities to elucidate learning outcomes through shared or personal experience.

Get in touch.