

Conceptual Leadership

To become a great leader, one must first understand what makes a leader great. Participants will learn about different team dynamics and how to manage them as well as what constitutes good and effective leadership. This will equip participants with all the head knowledge that they can then apply in their everyday lives, regardless of the capacity of their leadership position.



  • o Debunk common misconceptions of leadership

    o Define leadership beyond titles or positions

  • o Understand that every person can be a leader, regardless of age & experience

    o Adopt concrete actions to become exemplary leaders

  • o Understand an individual’s leadership journey to grow from good to great leaders

    o Explore behaviours to adopt to move beyond the current leadership level

  • o Identify 6 styles of leadership (Daniel Goleman)

    o Determine when to use the appropriate style to achieve corresponding results

  • o Understand the principles of teamwork

    o Understand that strong teamwork is essential to a team’s success

  • o Understand team dynamics through Bruce Tuckman’s 4 stages of team development

    o Learn how to identify stages of team dynamics and adopt appropriate leadership styles

  • o Understand the importance of having a clear vision as a leader

    o Understand how to inspire a shared vision in a team


Skills-Based Leadership

Using our in-house crafted activities, we give aspiring leaders a chance to learn leadership competencies and a platform to practice their newfound knowledge in a safe environment with their peers. Our applied teaching will also demonstrate how to transfer these skills to their everyday lives as leaders in their own teams.



  • o Learn the essence of a facilitator and the characteristics of good facilitators

    o Adopt the P.I.E.R. framework to facilitate activities with clarity and impact

  • o Adapt facilitation style according to team milestones

    o Adopt the F.A.C. framework to facilitate discussions with ease

  • o Learn how to use design thinking as an approach to problem-solving

    o Examine the design thinking framework to address user needs

  • o Understand the importance of having good project management skills to achieve project outcomes

    o Adopt the P.I.E. framework to plan, implement and evaluate a project

  • o Recognise the power of perspective-taking to facilitate better social interactions and relationships

    o Learn how to manage a conflict to reach common objectives

  • o Understand the importance of having strong peer support

    o Learn how to be a supportive peer to your friends, classmates or teammates


4R Leadership

A unique leadership framework specially designed for young leaders, the 4R Leadership Framework has 4 main learning outcomes. The first two learning outcomes aim to improve a leader’s conceptual understanding of leadership. The final two learning outcomes provide leaders with practical skills to elevate their leadership abilities. Together, the 4 elements give leaders the 4I Edge of Influence, Impact, Impetus & Inspire.



  • o Define the basic responsibilities that come along with their leadership role

    o Master the L.E.A.P. (Learner, Example, Ambassador, Peer) roles as a leader

  • o Learn the importance of building positive relations with your peers

    o Build positive relationships with the 4 Laws of Teamwork (B.A.N.D.)

    o Learn to manage conflicts effectively with C.U.R.E.S.

  • o Learn the P.I.E cycle in project management

    o Explore the various elements of resource management

    o Understand the need to conduct an after-project review

  • o Understand the importance of investing in other leaders

    o Learn the importance of sharing knowledge and experience

    o Develop an action plan to mentor other leaders using the P.E.E.R. framework